Welcome to BLIC - Blended Learning International Cooperation
The BLIC Concept
The essential idea of the BLIC approach is for students to experience realistic international business settings in the classroom. Students are trained to identify factors that drive the success of international businesses. Based on teaching the necessary theory and applying real world case studies, students learn to cope with international business needs and to appreciate the impact of cultural aspects. Modular and flexible assignments are tailored to the curriculum of participating universities, keeping a low threshold for participating. The entry-level course is called “Go Global I” (see video below). Variations thereof are always based on the same concept, allowing the number of involved parties to be increased as necessary. Other possible variations might involve focussing on specific topics such as marketing, finance or increased face-to-face time. Working on different levels of the program such as courses, cohorts and international or local teams, enriches the learning experience. The team structure is a vital part of the learning concept. It provides intense opportunities to gain unique learning experiences based on collaborative skills.

BLIC Concept Video
BLIC Innovation
Why do we need innovative learning approaches?
Major trends associated with globalization such as technological innovations, demographic change, global warming, urbanization and the emergence of a knowledge society are accelerating the momentum of change. New technologies are creating new markets and jobs at a breathtaking pace and, at the same time, ruthlessly destroying existing businesses according to a study by Menn, Voss, Kuhn, Dürand, and Rees from 2014. Working environments are developping continually. Skill sets that empower professionals to benefit from a technology rich work environment, and cultural expertise are no longer 'nice to have' but have become a prerequisite to participate in the global market.
How does BLIC serve as, and represent an important bridge between the industry and higher education?
Universities qualify tomorrow's managers and workforce and thereby serve as important partners for the industry. BLIC addresses and fills the increasing need to integrate innovative learning approaches into the curriculum in order to keep up with the reality of today's business world. In the School of Business at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), the BLIC Program goes about creating realistic international business settings in the classroom and combining them with online blended learning elements. The use of digital technologies to communicate with their international counter-parts offers students a variety of opportunities to develop their intercultural competency as well as international communication skills. All communication takes place in the English language, facilitating successful exchanges and emulating the business world of today.
BLIC Podcast
Going Global – Podcast-Interview:
In this pod-cast, Angela Brusis, project coordinator in the BLIC program, explains how participating students can immerse themselves in international communication and collaboration via real-life business scenarios and international teams, and so further their skills – thanks to digital technologies in online-teaching – directly from their own lecture rooms in Villingen-Schwenningen. Within the BLIC Blended Learning International Cooperation program this takes place in an especially authentic and realistic manner. |
BLIC Network
A common idea paired with a pioneering spirit, motivation, and open-mindedness stimulates BLIC members to collaborate in developping and implementing innovative new learning approaches. Challenges such as differing academic calendars and individual university curriculums, on a positive note, can be translated into complementary strengths. Longterm partners interested in enriching relationships strengthen the BLIC network with their individual approaches and input. Networking has produced great research output and publications. The BLIC network welcomes new members worldwide.

The Power of Partnership
Our business partners for our work-integrated study program are likewise important partners for innovative teaching and learning concepts at out university. The cooperation is built on mutual appreciation and regard. In terms of education and training, our business partners play a prominent role and many of them support more than one study program at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW).
We are very happy and fortunate to have cooperative partners in our programs for innovative teaching and learning and we look forward to welcoming further businesses to join. With their commitment and dedication for our BLIC Program (Blended Learning International Cooperation) they inspire realistic and close-to-the-market case studies, and give testimony of how partnership of businesses and the DHBW is a unique model of success. They also inspire innovation sharing requirements of the global labor market while increasing their employer attractiveness for sought after talents. This win-win situation benefits all involved and is a motivator for long-term and successful co-operations.
Within the BLIC framework students from international partner universities around the globe work on interdisciplinary projects. The communication takes place digitally and online. Gaining professional, intercultural and digital competencies is always prioritized.
The program environment is forever becoming more realistic and professional by further expanding our business relationships.
Business Partners
Partner Universities
- Skoda Auto University, Prag, Tschechien
- Hogeschool Gent, Gent, Belgien
- Keele University, Stafordshire, England
- Florida International University, Miami, USA
- Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Island
- Technologico de Monterey, Mexiko
- EM Normandie Business School, Dublin, Irland
- RISEBA University of Applied Science, Riga, Lettland
BLIC Awards
- AIB (Academy of International Business) Teaching innovation award 2021 Finalist
Recognizing Teaching Innovations from around the world - The award celebrates excellent educators in the AIB community and recognizes innovative teaching approaches.
“Simulating Intercultural Management via University Collaboration – Blended Learning International Cooperation (BLIC)”
Jürgen Bleicher, Paul Forrester, Andrea Honal & Emil Velinov - PIEoneer Award Finalist „Employability International Impact Award”
The PIEoneer Awards celebrate innovation and achievement across the global education industry. With a distinguished judging panel representing geographical and professional diversity, the PIEoneers recognise both individuals and organisations who are pushing professional standards, evolving their engagement or redefining the international student experience. Guests include a unique cross-section of influencers, decision makers and thought leaders from higher education, commercial education, language teaching, education agencies, professional services and government bodies around the world.
“BLIC – Blended Learning International Cooperation” Jürgen Bleicher & Emil Velinov
BLIC Promotional Video
• Bleicher, J. & Velinov, E. (2024, July). AI and Cultural Intelligence in Business Education: Blended Learning International Cooperation Perspective. [Conference presentation]. The 12th European Conference on Education (ECE 2024). London, U.K.
• Montenero, V., Cazorzi, C., Velinov, E. & Bleicher, J. (2024, June). English as the Language of Communication in Business: The Adventures of an Italian Family Company. [Conference presentation]. EURAM Conference, Bath, U.K.
• Bleicher, J., & Velinov, E. (2024, May). Teaching Diversity Management: Comparative Study from
Emerging and Advanced Markets [Conference presentation]. EDI Conference, Seville, Spain.
• Bleicher, J., & Velinov, E. (2024, January). Cultural Intelligence and Global Virtual Performance: Evidence from Blended learning International Cooperation.[Conference presentation]. AGBRP Conference, Sinapore. https://www.agbrp.world/_files/ugd/5793fb_1cb809669cd5451184252e9684416ab7.pdf
• Bleicher, J., & Velinov, E. (2023, December). Top Management teams diversity impact on firm performance across companies from emerging markets in the digital era. [Conference presentation]. Rabat, Morocco, Academy of International Business MENA Region
• Bleicher, J., & Velinov, E. (2023, December). Teaching innovations, best practices, and trends in online and hybrid international business educatin in the post-pandemic era. [Conference presentation]. EIBA Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
• Bleicher, J., & Velinov, E. (2023, August). X-Culture in a Time of War: Global Virtual Collaboration Meets Global Military Conflict [Conference presentation]. AOM Conference, Boston, U.S.A..
• Bleicher, J., & Velinov, E. (2023, August). Blended Learning International Cooperation (BLIC). Workshop within the SGEM Conference, Albena, Bulgaria
• Bleicher, J., & Velinov, E. (2023, July). Experiential Learning Games, Activities, Games for International Business Courses Teaching intercultural competence with BLIC [Conference presentation]. AIB Conference, Warsaw, Poland.
• Bleicher, J., & Velinov, E. (2023, June). The impact of digital platforms enhancement on global virtual teams’ engagement across selected business schools [Conference presentation]. HEAd Conference, Valencia, Spain.
• Bleicher, J., & Velinov, E. (2023, May). Teaching intercultural competence with BLIC Blended Learning International Cooperation [Conference presentation]. Learntec International Trade Fair and Convention, Karlsruhe, Germany.
• Bleicher, J., & Velinov, E. (2023, April). The impact of students’ cross-cultural differences on Global Virtual Teams (GVTs) engagement [Conference presentation]. IAFOR Conference, Washington DC, U.S.A..
• Bleicher, J., & Velinov, E. (2022, December). Contemporary Approaches in implementing Business-related Students Teams for Developing Entrepreneurial Skills across Business Schools [Conference presentation]. AGBRP Conference 2022, Dubai, VAE.
• Bleicher, J., & Velinov, E. (2022, December). Students’ perception on global virtual project through the lenses of experiential learning [Conference presentation]. EIBA Conference 2022, Oslo, Norway.
• Bleicher, J. (2022, November). Fostering collaboration education and industry for upskilling. Transforming Higher Education, Limerick, Ireland. Panelist and host.
• Bleicher, J., Brusis, A. & Velinov, E. (2021, November). Blended Learning International Cooperation (BLIC) at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) Villingen-Schwenningen [Conference presentation]. Hochschule Karlsruhe “Meet your partners!” Virtual Teaching Collaboration between Germany and Taiwan, Online Meeting.
• Bleicher, J., Forrester, P., J., Honal, A., & Velinov, E. (2020, November). Cross-cultural and virtual teamworking in the classroom. Reflections on the Blended Learning International Cooperation (BLIC) Programme [Conference presentation]. Virtual symposium conducted at Bristol Business School, University of the West of England, UK.
• Bleicher, J., Honal, A., Forrester, P. Velinov, E., & . T. V. Fridgeirsson (2020, January). Blended Learning International Cooperation Projekt (BLIC) [Conference presentation]. DHBW Forschungstag, Mosbach, Deutschland.
• Bleicher, J., Honal, A., & Forrester, P. (2019, August). New Approaches for Using Learning Analytics and Business-related Projects as Learning Enhancers for Students [Conference presentation]. The 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Boston, USA.
• Bleicher, J., Honal, A., Seiler, L., & Bürger, N. (2018, June). Blended Learning International Cooperation Projekt (BLIC) [Conference presentation]. Third International Research Symposium World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE), Stuttgart, Deutschland.
• Bleicher, J., Honal, A., Seiler, L., & Bürger, N. (2018, Januar). Blended Learning International Cooperation Projekt (BLIC). DHBW Forschungstag, Heidenheim, Deutschland.
• Honal, A. (2017, November) Innovative Business Projects as an Enabler to Enhance Intercultural and Management Skills of Students [Conference presentation]. International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB), Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
• Bleicher, J., Honal, A., Seiler, L., & Bürger, N. (2017, September). Blended Learning International Cooperation Projekt (BLIC) [Conference presentation]. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Deutschland.
• Bleicher, J., Lichtenberger, B., & Núñez, P. (2015, March). COIL Practice Integrated International Management [Conference presentation]. 7th Collaborative Online International Learning Conference (COIL 2015), State University New York, New York, U.S.A..
• Bleicher, J., & Velinov, E., & Montenegro, V. (2023). The impact of digital platform enhancements on global virtual teams’ engagement across selected business schools. [Proceedings of HEAd], Valencia, Spain, Vol. 10(1). Pp-pp. 1365-1374. http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/HEAd23.2023.16377
• Bleicher, J., & Velinov, E. (2022). Contemporary Approaches in implementing Business-related Students Teams for Developing Entrepreneurial Skills across Business Schools. [Proceedings of the AGBRP], Dubai (EAR), Vol. 17 (1), pp-pp. 517-522
• Bleicher, J., & Velinov, E. (2022). Students’ perception on global virtual project through the lenses of experiential learning. [Conference Paper] EIBA 2022, Oslo (Norway).
Articles & Book Contributions
• Velinov, E., & Bleicher, J. (2024). The impact of experiential learning and the use of digital platforms on global virtual teams’ motivation. Journal of Teaching in International Business 34(4), 172-193. https://doi.org/10.1080/08975930.2023.2293293
• Velinov, E., Bleicher, J., & Forrester, P. (2021). Creating and Managing International Virtual Teams of Students in Management Education. In S. Swartz, B. Barbosa, I. Crawford, & S. Luck (Eds.), Developments in Virtual Learning Environments and the Global Workplace (pp. 124-140). IGI Global Information Science Reference, Hershey. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-7331-0.ch007
• Bleicher, J., Forrester, P., Honal, A., & Velinov, E. (2019). Virtual Business Projects in the Classroom: Enhancing Intercultural and Business Skills of Students. In M.A. Gonzales-Perez, K. Lynden, & V. Taras. (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Learning and Teaching International Business and Management (pp. 747-768). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20415-0
Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM for University Students
The Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM for University Students is a program established by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung and supports the international exchange of students and vocationally qualified people/young professionals. Since 2001, it has enabled more than 20,000 young people from Baden-Württemberg to spend some time abroad and allowed scholarship holders from other countries to get to know Baden-Württemberg. Each year more than 1,000 young people receive a Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM for University Students.
Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM for University Students – BWS plus
Through the programme Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM for University Students – BWS plus, the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung supports innovative joint projects between universities from Baden-Württemberg and their international partners. The programme, which provides funding of around 800,000 euros per year, began in 2011 and since then has supported more than 50 projects.
Baden-Württemberg Stiftung
The Baden-Württemberg Stiftung advocates a vital Baden-Württemberg with a high quality of life. It helps pave the way for top-class research, many kinds of educational measures and responsible dealings with our fellow man. The Baden-Württemberg Stiftung is one of the major foundations in Germany. It is the only foundation which invests exclusively and without partisanship in the future of Baden-Württemberg, and thus in the future of its citizens. (www.bwstiftung.de)
Prof. Jürgen Bleicher
- juergen.bleicher@dhbw.de
Telefon +49 7720 3906 - 502
- Gebäude D, Raum 339

Angela Brusis
- Projektmitarbeiterin
- angela.brusis@dhbw.de
Telefon +49 7720 3906 - 157
- Gebäude B, Raum 307