

Welcome to BLIC
(Blended Learning International Cooperation)

Why do we need innovative learning approaches?

Major trends associated with globalization such as technological innovations, demographic change, global warming, urbanization and the emergence of a knowledge society are accelerating the pace of change. New technologies are creating new markets and jobs at a breathtaking pace and, at the same time, ruthlessly destroying existing businesses (Menn, Voss, Kuhn, Dürand, & Rees, 2014). The work environment is continually under development. Capabilities enabling professionals to benefit from a technology rich work environment and cultural competence are not just nice to have but a precondition for participating in the global market place.

Why does BLIC represent an important partnership between industry and universities?

As important partners for the industry, universities qualify the managers of tomorrow. BLIC addresses the increasing need to integrate innovative learning approaches into the curriculum. In the School of Business at the DHBW, this involves creating realistic international business settings in the classroom combined with online learning using digital technologies, offering a variety of opportunities for students to develop their intercultural competence as well as skills in communicating internationally in English.


Going Global – Podcast-Interview:



The working world is constantly changing. Presently, the energy crises, rapidly developing technologies and the opening of new markets pose challenges for future skilled workers and employees. For the BW Cooperative State University in Villingen-Schwenningen this is a cue to integrate innovative teaching and learning approaches into the curriculum and thus enable students to acquire intercultural competencies – a prerequisite to participating in the global market.
Within the BLIC (Blended Learning International Cooperation) program this takes place in an especially authentic and realistic manner.
In this pod-cast, Angela Brusis, coordinator in the BLIC program, explains how participating students can immerse themselves in international communication and collaboration via real-life business scenarios and international teams, and so further their skills – thanks to digital technologies in online-teaching – directly from their own lecture rooms in Villingen-Schwenningen.

BLIC Network

A common idea together with pioneering spirit, motivation, and open mindedness energizes BLIC members to develop and implement an innovative new learning approach. Challenges such as different academic calendars and special curriculums can be translated into complementary strengths. Partners who strive for long term and enriching relationships strengthen the BLIC network. The network welcomes new members from other universities.

BLIC Program

The essential idea of the BLIC approach is to experience a realistic international business setting in the classroom. Students will be prepared to identify factors driving the success of international business. Based on theoretical knowledge and case studies, students will cope with international business needs and recognize the impact of cultural aspects.  Modular and flexible assignments are tailored to participating universities. The entry-level course is named “Go Global I”. Variations of the course are based on the same concept. However, the number of involved parties might be increased.  Other variations result from a focus on a specific topic such as marketing or finance or an increased face to face time. Working at different levels (program, course, cohort, cross boarder teams, local team) enriches the learning experience. Learning teams are a vital part of the learning concept. They provide rich opportunities to gain unique learning experience based on collaborative skills.

BLIC Videos


Publikationen & Workshops

• Konferenzbeiträge / Veranstaltungen

• Friedrichshafen Wirtschaftstag

• DHBW Kongress

• Danang

• Bleicher, J., Lichtenberger, B., & Núñez, P. (2015, March). COIL Practice Integrated International Management. 7th Collaborative Online International Learning Conference (COIL 2015), State University New York, New York, U.S.A..

• Bleicher, J., Honal, A., Seiler, L., & Bürger, N. (2017, September). Blended Learning International Cooperation Projekt (BLIC). Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Deutschland.

• Honal, A. (2017, November) Innovative Business Projects as an Enabler to Enhance Intercultural and Management Skills of Students. International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB), Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

• Bleicher, J., Honal, A., Seiler, L., & Bürger, N. (2018, Januar). Blended Learning International Cooperation Projekt (BLIC). DHBW Forschungstag, Heidenheim, Deutschland.

• Bleicher, J., Honal, A., Seiler, L., & Bürger, N. (2018, June). Blended Learning International Cooperation Projekt (BLIC). Third International Research Symposium World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE), Stuttgart, Deutschland.

• Bleicher, J., Honal, A., & Forrester, P. (2019, August). New Approaches for Using Learning Analytics and Business-related Projects as Learning Enhancers for Students. The 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Boston, U.S.A..

• Bleicher, J., Honal, A., Forrester, P. Velinov, E., & . T. V. Fridgeirsson (2020, Januar). Blended Learning International Cooperation Projekt (BLIC). DHBW Forschungstag, Mosbach, Deutschland.

• Bleicher, J., Forrester, P., J., Honal, A., & Velinov, E. (2020, November). Cross-cultural and virtual teamworking in the classroom. Reflections on the Blended Learning International Cooperation (BLIC) Programme. Virtual symposium conducted at Bristol Business School, University of the West of England, UK.

Fachartikel & Buchkapitel

• Bleicher, J., Honal, A., Seiler, L., Bürger, N.,  Forrester, P. L., Wakeham, M. (2017): „Innovative Business Projects as an Enabler to Enhance Intercultural and Management Skills of Students“, Conference Paper of the IAMB 2017, Dubai (VAE).

• Bleicher, J., Honal, A., Jaensch, A., & Forrester, P. (2019): „New Approaches for Using Learning Analytics and Business-related Projects as Learning Enhancers for Students“, Conference Paper of the AOM 2019, Boston / Massachusetts (USA).

• Bleicher, J., Forrester, P., Honal, A., & Velinov, E. (2019). Virtual Business Projects in the Classroom: Enhancing Intercultural and Business Skills of Students. In The Palgrave Handbook of Learning and Teaching International Business and Management (pp. 747-768). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

• Forrester P, Velinov E, Bleicher J. The Effect of Distributed Leadership in the Relationship between Flat Organization Structure and Company Performance.

• Bleicher, J., Forrester, P., Honal, A., & Velinov, E. (2021). Creating and Managing International Virtual Teams of Students in Management Education. In Creating and Managing International Virtual Teams of Students in Management Education. IGI Global Information Science Reference, Hershey.

• Velinov, E. (2019, December). The effect of distributed leadership in the relationship between flat organization structure and company performance. 45th EIBA Annual Conference 2019 European International Business Academy, Leeds, UK.


"Angela Brusis"

Angela Brusis