Admission and Application
The application for dual studies with workplace training differs greatly from an application to other university study programmes, which is why we have compiled information and tips on the procedure for you on this page.
Please note! Begin your search for a corporate partner at an early stage, as the application procedure employed by many corporate partners can commence as much as a year in advance of studies, or even earlier in some cases.
Should you start looking late, then try your best to secure a placement. If this proves unsuccessful, there may still be study vacancies available if you manage to recruit a new company or social institution with our help which is interested in a cooperation.
Ensure at the outset that you meet the preconditions for admission for studies at the Cooperative State University.
Check preconditions for admission
With a higher education entrance qualification (the Abitur in Germany), you can secure a traineeship with us if you can present a training contract. No further preconditions need to be fulfilled in this case (no aptitude test, numerus clausus or similar). The same applies to a subject-restricted higher education entrance qualification, except that in this case you are restricted exclusively to studies in study programmes to which the general higher education entrance qualification entitles you.
If you have another degree or qualification, please refer to the subpages to ascertain how your qualification can be used for admission to higher education. In addition to the higher education entrance qualification, the following qualifications can be submitted to gain admission:
- Higher education entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife in Germany)
- Master craftsman's or professional advancement training certificate
- Professional training/apprenticeship with three years of professional experience
- International educational qualification
Finding a training company
Consider what is important to you:
- Are you in any way bound to your locality?
- In which study programme would you like to study?
- Is there a sector which you find particularly interesting?
- How flexible are you with regard to the choice of study programme? For example, could you imagine studying 'Social Work in Mental Health and Addiction' as an alternative to 'Social Work with People with Disabilities', or 'Controlling & Consulting' instead of 'Technical Management'?
- Do you already have contact with a company/social institution where you spent a work placement period or similar and with which you would like to study?
If the company/social institution to which you wish to apply is not yet a corporate partner, this need not pose a problem. A representative of the company/social institution can visit our website to obtain information on the criteria for a dual partnership, or contact the Head of Department of the desired study programme directly.
Other higher education entrances
Compiling an Application
Have you found companies/social institutions to which you wish to apply? Do you also have the name of the responsible contact person to which you should send your application letter?
Then you can now compile your application documents. Note the form (e.g. postal, by e-mail, online application) in which the application is requested and the documents the corporate partner requires, and then compile your application. Tailor your cover letter specifically to suit each organisation. Collective letters which are sent in the same form to numerous companies or social institutions will be quickly exposed, even where the name is changed.
Include the following on your cover letter:
- The reason for your application
- Your current occupation (including school details where appropriate)
- Your qualification (note what the company is actually looking for)
- Your motivation
With regard to your curriculum vitae/résumé, ensure that all the following specific details are included:
- Personal details
- School education
- Work experience (if available)
- Further qualifications
- Special skills and knowledge
- Miscellaneous (e.g. voluntary commitments, hobbies where appropriate)
Ensure when specifying all your information that it should be of relevance to the employer and should attract his interest in you.
The application documents are your calling card and your opportunity to make an initial impression. They can excite their sympathy or antipathy in a matter of seconds and decide whether you will be offered an interview or not. You should therefore ensure that your documents have an orderly appearance. Sheets which smell of cigarette smoke or are dog-eared and “decorated” with grease spots should be avoided at all cost.
Your application photo also plays an important role. Employers are no longer entitled to request a photograph with an application. However, should you decide to include a picture, ensure that it makes a serious impression and is taken by a professional photographer.
Holiday photos are rarely suitable for an application dossier.
Each individual document should be attached in a single pdf document if you are sending the application by e-mail. This facilitates the sorting process and printing of documents in the personnel department. In addition to saving the company time, it also ensures that your documents can be read in the order in which you intended.
Numerous books are available which can be consulted for help when creating your cover letter and curriculum vitae/résumé. Note the publication year when choosing a job application advisor to ensure that you have the latest instructions.
Feel free contact us

Angela Brusis
- Allgemeine Studienberatung
Telefon +49 7720 3906 - 157
Anita Peter-Dreißig
- Allgemeine Studienberatung
Telefon +49 7720 3906 - 190
- Gebäude E, Raum 001