Pursuant to Section 59 of the Baden-Wuerttemberg State Tertiary Education Act (Landeshochschulgesetz Baden-Württemberg), employed candidates who do not have the higher education entrance qualification or the higher education entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences (Abitur and Fachhochschulreife respectively in Germany) still have the chance to study under certain circumstances. There are two ways to gain admission to higher education studies for qualified professionals:
- If you have completed professional advancement training
- If you have completed professional training and have had the opportunity to gain at least three years of professional experience
What you need to do and take into consideration in this respect is indicated below.
Qualified professionals with professional advancement training
If you have a master craftsman's certificate or an equivalent advancement training certificate (e.g. a recognised final examination certificate from a technical school pursuant to Section 114 of the School Act (Schulgesetz) or a professional development qualification recognised by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce), you merely need to attend an information and consultation interview (no examination/assessment or similar).
Qualified professionals with training and professional experience
If you have completed a professional training qualification and gained at least three years of work experience in the profession you have learnt, you can register for an aptitude test. In addition, you will need notification of participation in an information and consultation interview (no examination/assessment or similar). The aptitude test is held once early in the year in Stuttgart. Registration is possible until 1 February of each year at a DHBW. Following successful completion of the aptitude test, you can study (subject to compliance with the remaining DHBW preconditions) in a study programme commensurate with your training and professional experience. The respective DHBW will reach a decision on the submission of a technical equivalent during registration for the aptitude test. Further information, the registration form for the aptitude test and example tasks can be obtained on the website of the DHBW headquarters.
Examination of your documents and consultation interview
You can do the consultation interview for qualified professionals through the general academic advisory service at the DHBW VS. Your documents will also be examined here to ascertain whether you can be admitted. If you would like a preliminary examination of the possibility of admission to higher education, please send the following documents in a single pdf document as an e-mail attachment to Ms Anita Peter,
Qualified professionals with professional advancement training
- Curriculum vitae / Résumé
- Certificate of professional advancement training (if already available). Alternative notification of admission for further training from the professional education institution
- Certificate detailing the number of hours of further training completed
Qualified professionals with training and professional experience
- Curriculum vitae / Résumé
- Apprenticeship certificate
- Apprenticeship curriculum
- Proof of at least three years of professional experience following training
Anita Peter-Dreißig
- Allgemeine Studienberatung
Telefon +49 7720 3906 - 190
- Gebäude E, Raum 001