Corporate Partners

Practical Information

Reserving study vacancies

Please reserve study vacancies in the study programme of interest to you as early as possible, as the demand is extremely high. Study vacancy reservations for the Business School and School of Social Work are made online. You will receive a study vacancy reservation reminder once a year.

Social insurance

Inclusion of students of career-integrated study programmes in the insurance obligation relating to health, nursing care, pension and unemployment insurance

With the coming into force of the Fourth Law to amend the Fourth Volume of the Social Security Code (Sozialgesetzbuch) and other laws of 22 December 2011 (published in Federal Law Gazette No. 71 of 29 December 2011, page 3057 et. seq.), students in career-integrated study programmes are faced with certain changes:

The amendment to the law means that the insurance obligation for participants in career-integrated study programmes is governed in a uniform fashion for all career-integrated study programmes and for the entire duration of the study programme. Among other things, participants in career-integrated study programmes are equated under the law with employees in professional training and, as such, uniformly subject to the insurance obligation relating to health, nursing care and unemployment insurance for the entire duration of the respective study programme. The corresponding legal provisions came into force on 1 January 2012 (cf. Article 23 of the law). The law can be accessed at (free access).


Information for student applicants

Due to the amendment to the law, student applicants are no longer obliged to produce an insurance certificate pursuant to Section 2 of the ordinance detailing the content, form and deadline of registrations and the registration process for the health insurance of students (Studentenkrankenversicherungs-Meldeverordnung - SKV-MV) for enrolment at the DHBW.

Stuttgart, 9 January 2012

Accident insurance

Accident insurance cover is only provided for students at the DHBW by the Unfallkasse Baden-Wuerttemberg during the academic study phase. Accident insurance cover for the professional training phase should therefore be provided by the training company/social institution.

An overview of the academic and on-the-job training phases can be found at the start of this page under "Study phases".