Are you a lecturer at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, or are you interested in joining our team at the Cooperative State University in Villingen-Schwenningen in a part-time capacity.
Please refer to the pages for individual study programmes for details of course contents.
We have compiled important information for you.
Lecturer application
Teaching at the Cooperative State University is based on the close interlinking of theoretical and practical knowledge. This why we are always looking for qualified lecturers who wish to teach in a part-time capacity and can lecture on current issues in the practical environment or fundamental academic subjects.
Are you interested in working as a lecturer at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Villingen-Schwenningen? Then please send us your application.
To apply to the Business School and School of Social Work, please fill out the following form and include it in your application documents.
Your lecturer’s form will be forwarded to the individual Head of Department following receipt. He or she will contact you should a requirement arise.
Realization of lectures
- Kopien für Lehrveranstaltungen
- Antrag für Netzzugang (Rechner, WLAN, E-Mail, Moodle-Lernplattform, TOTARA, Onlinemedien)
- Merkblatt zur Gebäuderäumung
Evaluation of lectures
Examination regulation
- Studien- und Prüfungsordnung der Fakultät für Sozialwesen
- Studien- und Prüfungsordnung der Fakultät für Wirtschaft
gültig ab JG 2011 - Studien- und Prüfungsordnung der Fakultät für Wirtschaft
gültig für JG 2009 und 2010
Support of project assignments and/or bachelor thesis
Assessment of examination results
- Leitlinien zur Bewertung und Korrektur
- Gutachten für Projekt- und Bachelor-Arbeiten (PDF) (WORD)
Points and grading scale
- 210 points achievable
- 180 points achievable
- 150 points achievable
- 120 points achievable
- 100 points achievable
- 90 points achievable
- 80 points achievable
- 75 points achievable
- 60 points achievable
- 50 points achievable
- 45 points achievable
- 40 points achievable
- 30 points achievable
- 20 points achievable
Parking The following car parks can be used free of charge:
- Car parks at the train station, Erzbergerstr. (The barriers can be opened with parking cards available from the administration offices. Please return the card again to the office!)
- Car park in front of the building at Schramberger Strasse 26
- Parking spaces behind the building at Bürkstrasse 1
The Cooperative State University will reimburse the parking fees required for public parking spaces and multi-storey car parks in Schwenningen used during lectures on presentation of proof if free parking spaces are not available. For this reason, we would ask you to please include the original parking receipt with your claim form.
Invoicing claims
Lectures/Examinations Lecturers receive the invoicing claim forms for their lectures with their contract. Payment for examinations is invoiced with the following form:
- Payment for examinations Business School (PDF) (WORD)
- Payment for examinations School of Social Work (PDF) (WORD)
Campus Evening
Travel expenses The entitlement to travel expenses expires following the expiration of the preclusion period of six months pursuant to Section 3 Paragraph 5 of the LRKG, the state law governing travel expenses (Sections 187 et. seq. of the German Civil Code (BGB). The deadline is calculated as of the ending of the business trip.
Central Departments and Institutions
Our service departments and institutions will gladly assist you in carrying out your teaching assignment:
The IT Service Center will help you with our IT systems:
Apply for an user account (german)
In the Library you can borrow your textbooks:
The ESC will help you to create your e-learning content:
Feel free to contact us
Department managements