


The Student Council (StuV) is a legal university body for students entrusted with numerous interesting tasks. One area encompasses academic/professional and social issues affecting students. This includes active involvement in other bodies such as the University Council, the Academic Senate, the commission for tuition fees and the Appointments Committee for Professors.

Contact and regular discussions with the administration, Student Union, the general committee of students (Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss – AStA), the public and other universities are also tasks undertaken by the StuV. Wherever there’s a problem, we’re there to take care of things. Moreover, the StuV is also entrusted by legislators with the task of taking care of all cultural, musical and sports matters for students. In this respect, it organises DH-Sport and events such as dance courses, sports tournaments, outings and excursions, podium discussions and campus evenings, cooking and creativity competitions and takes care of DH parties and much, much more. The StuV is also the right contact for questions relating to studies or if prospective students wish to "get a feel" for the university. The StuV is not a political platform, but rather endeavours to effect change on behalf of all students so as to contribute to the motto “More than Studying”. The StuV needs both support and “new blood” to achieve this goal and tackle all these tasks! Students have the chance to become involved in the StuV from their second term (semester), and this option is open to all students, regardless of whether they are course spokespersons or not. Those interested can visit the StuV office at any time during office hours.

Members of the Student Council

StuV-Vorsitz Sera Irion
Mia-Malin Schirmer
Mitglieder der Wahlversammlung

Sera Irion
Jasmin Fritsch
Tamara Niederhausen
Marie Hübner
Hedda Gerlach
Mia-Malin Schirmer
Jörg Waldvogel
Lennart Möller

Finanzreferat Hedda Gerlach
Matthias Kuhn
Referatsleitung IT Emanuel Kratz
Referatsleitung Marketing Jörg Waldvogel
Lennart Möller

Referatsleitung Diversity


Lukas Haria
Pascal Conzelmann

Referatsleitung Sport Jasmin Fritsch
Patrick Mohn
Referatsleitung Nachhaltigkeit Annika Kubitz
Referatsleitung Event Michael Akkermann

Leitung Praxis

Jan Zielke
Örtlicher Senat Tamara Niederhausen
Örtlicher Hochschulrat
Jörg Waldvogel
Zentraler Senat

Mitglied des StuPa

Hedda Gerlach
Jasmin Fritsch
Marie Hübner