Presentation speakers for
seminars and workshops
Are you a communications or presentation trainer? Do you have experience in holding seminars, and would you like to suggest an exciting topic to us? Then please send us your application as a presentation speaker for our Studium Generale.
We have compiled the most important information for you on these pages.
Are you interested in lecturing at a Saturday seminar? Then please send us your application. Send us your complete curriculum vitae and your suggestion for a seminar. We will contact you directly should a requirement arise.
Our conditions at a glance:
- €35.00 per period (45 min)
- Travel expenses of 25 cent/km
- Daily allowance of €6.00 (varies according to number of hours)
- A course is held after a minimum of 10 registrations are received, and a contract is only concluded if this condition is met
- Max. 10 lessons (course time approx. 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. with a lunch break and short intermediate breaks)
- Overnight expenses of €52.00 where an overnight stay is necessary
Speakers for Campus Evenings
Teaching at the Cooperative State University is based on the close interlinking of theoretical and practical knowledge. For this reason, we offer students the opportunity, in addition to lectures, to attend "Campus Evenings" at which practitioners speak about major points of emphasis from their working areas or discuss these with others in the context of podium discussions.
Are you in contact with our study programme managements, and have you been asked to participate in a Campus Evening?
Good to know:
- Form: Remuneration claim
Please fill out the form after the event and send it to the respective study programme management (please include the following if appropriate: Original hotel invoices, rail travel receipts)
- Map of the university
Please inform the respective study programme management regarding your technical/equipment requirements: Video projector, laptop, microphone, flip chart, pinboard, etc.
Good to know:
- Remuneration fee of €300.00
- Travel expenses of 25 cent/km, or expenses for a rail ticket
- Overnight expenses of €52.00 where an overnight stay is necessary
Hotel recommendation: Central Hotel, Schwenningen
(When reserving, please indicate that you are a speaker at the university. You will then receive special conditions)
Documents Studium Generale
For further information,
please feel free to contact us

Silvia Schäfer
- Ansprechperson für Workshops und Seminare
Telefon +49 7720 3906 - 103
- Gebäude A, Raum 104

Nicole Maier
- Ansprechperson für Sprachen
Telefon +49 7720 3906 - 129
- Gebäude A, Raum 107