Studium Generale

Presentation Speakers


Teaching at the Cooperative State University is based on the close interlinking of theoretical and practical knowledge. This why we are always looking for qualified lecturers who could teach in a Saturday seminar with us and can lecture on current issues in the practical environment, impart key qualifications or offer PC courses.

Are you interested in lecturing at a Saturday seminar? Then please send us your application. Send us your complete curriculum vitae and your suggestion for a seminar. We will contact you directly should a requirement arise.

Our conditions at a glance:

  • €35.00 per period (45 min)
  • Travel expenses of 25 cent/km
  • Daily allowance of €6.00 (varies according to number of hours)
  • A course is held after a minimum of 10 registrations are received, and a contract is only concluded if this condition is met
  • Max. 10 lessons (course time approx. 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. with a lunch break and short intermediate breaks)
  • Overnight expenses of €52.00 where an overnight stay is necessary

For further information,
please feel free to contact us

"Silvia Schäfer"

Silvia Schäfer

"Nicole Maier"

Nicole Maier