Admission with international qualifications
Who is responsible for recognition?
Different bodies are responsible for examining your qualification, depending on whether you have German citizenship or not. These attest to your entitlement to admission to higher education. Please also note the general prerequisites for admission of the DHBW which apply in all cases. More information is on the DHBW Website.
Without German citizenship
If you do not have German citizenship and have an international general higher education entrance qualification certificate (or similar), DHBW headquarters will examine your qualification to ascertain the possibility of university admission. Further information relating to this issue is available on the website of the DHBW headquarters. You can apply to the DHBW VS as soon as you receive notification from the DHBW headquarters that your international qualification can be equated to a German higher education entrance qualification certificate (Hochschulreife). Please also note that you must provide evidence of the successful passing of a recognised German test at the start of studies. Your admission to studies at the DHBW VS is not possible without this.
With German citizenship
If you are a German citizen and have acquired a qualification abroad, the Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts is responsible for recognition of your qualification.
Preliminary examination of qualification
You can check in advance in anabin, the database of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder (Kultusministerkonferez) whether your school or higher education qualification gained in another country is recognised. This does not replace the examination of recognition by official bodies, but it can provide you with an initial indication of the probability that recognition could be successful.
Tuition fees for international students
Starting with winter semester 2017/18 universities at Baden-Württemberg will begin charging tuition fees to the amount of 1.500 Euro per semester for international students who are non-EU-residents. According to federal law there will be provided some exemptions.
In the following downlink section (form: “Auskunftsformular Int. Studierende nach §5 LHGebG”) you will find a list of possible exemptions. If one of these exemptions will fit to your certain case, you are kindly asked to fill out this form (only provided in German!) and hand it in with all necessary documents that are required.
Please hand in the filled out “Auskunftsformular…” (if applicable) to the responding university where your enrollment will be processed.
Incomplete requests, i.e. missing documents, will not be processed and will automatically lead to a liability to charges.
For more on the website of DHBW Lörrach.