About Us
The Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Villingen-Schwenningen has 2,500 students and, in cooperation with almost 1,000 selected companies and social institutions, offers 16 accredited, career-integrated undergraduate and 4 postgraduate study programmes in the Business and Social Sciences schools.
A Bachelor in three years
Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BSc) degrees are awarded on successfully completion of undergraduate studies, each of which is worth 210 ECTS points. Postgraduate study programmes lead to the Master of Arts (M.A.) academic degree. The career-integrated studies concept ensures that graduates enjoy excellent job and career opportunities.
From BA to DHBW
The transformation of the Berufsakademie into the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University in 2009 bears testimony to the excellence of its development over the years. As a consequence, academic degrees have been awarded since its elevation to university status. Specific structural features of the former Berufsakademie institutions, such as the involvement of corporate partners on an equal footing and the study concept with alternating and harmonised academic study and on-the-job training phases have been retained. Students (numbering 34,000 nationwide) continue to be selected and employed by the companies and social institutions.
Individual support
The DHBW Villingen-Schwenningen is distinguished by the intensive support and mentoring it offers its students. Students are taught in small groups by dedicated professors and excellent lecturers with a practical background. Heads of programmes are responsible for both the organisation and individual support of students and lecturers on their courses. They also maintain contact with the training companies and social institutions. In addition to addressing academic needs, friendly and helpful secretaries also demonstrate a sense of responsibility for the private concerns of students. Office hours are unknown at the university, and the doors to contact persons are always open to our "customers". Intensive cooperation with the companies and social institutions means that new developments in the working environment can be transposed into theory with impressive speed.
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