Social Work with
People with Disabilities
Professional Social Work in the context of people with disabilities becomes more and more important. Participation in public life is considered a human right in the UN Conventions for Persons with Disabilities. This consequently provides direction for professional social work practice. A perspective on each individual person, the removal of barriers in social spaces as well as work spaces are central guidelines for practice to increase sustainability. The study program therefore entails:
Mehr über den Studiengang "Soziale Arbeit – Menschen mit Behinderung" im Gespräch mit der ehemaligen Studiengangsleiterin Prof. Dr. Anja Teubert: |
Core content
- Systematic analyses of services as well as political structures, problems, resources and life circumstances of people with disabilities
- Central theories, concepts and methods of social work, particularly in the context of "social space analysis / orientation"
- Critical examination of legal and professional ethical questions in the context of societal developments and perspectives
- Critical examination of social justice questions in order to reflect, name and reduce social exclusion.
12Weeks of Theory
14Weeks of Practice
3Years of Studies
210ECTS Points
Bachelor of Arts
Contents of the study programme in brief
Students gain knowledge of the central theories, forms of work and educational concepts involved in social education and the areas of rehabilitation, special and therapeutic education. They gain familiarity with the basic instruments of social research, knowledge of relevant legal material and the organisational structures of independent and public providers of care for people with disabilities.
This three-year study programme culminates in 210 ECTS points and the academic degree Bachelor of Arts.
Career following studies
Social educators in the Social Work with People with Disabilities study programme can expect to be confronted with tasks which, in view of individual living circumstances, the social situation of those concerned and the respective social context, are exceptionally complex. They are active in social services in institutions involved in integration aid, community services for people with disabilities and self-help organisations.
Internationales Vollzeitstudium
Sie haben einen Schul- oder vielleicht sogar Hochschulabschluss im Ausland erworben und möchten nun gerne bei uns ein komplettes Studium bis zum Bachelorabschluss absolvieren. Im Vollzeitstudium bieten wir keine 100% englischsprachigen Studiengänge an. Wenn Sie also gute Deutschkenntnisse haben und Ihr Abschluss anerkannt wird, können Sie unter denselben Voraussetzungen bei uns studieren, wie deutsche Schüler auch.
For further information,
please feel free to contact us
Prof. Dr. Boris Duru
- Department Management
Telefon +49 7720 3906 - 252
- Gebäude S26, Raum 103
Prof. Dr. Frank Francesco Birk
- Department Management
Telefon +49 7720 3906 - 259
- Gebäude S28, Raum 1.1.13
Manuela Hezel
- Office and Study Organization
Telefon +49 7720 3906 - 236
- Gebäude S 26 Raum 116