Business School

Taxation and Auditing (B.A.)

Taxation and Auditing

The vitality and, also, complexity of tax law require an understanding of business and logical correlations, and an ability to think abstractly is demanded. Sociability, powers of persuasion and a capacity for teamwork are important personal qualities if one aims to work successfully in a modern service profession.


Erfahrt in Kürze mehr über den Studiengang "RSW – Steuern und Prüfungswesen":

Kerninhalte des Studiums

  • ReWe, Steuern und Wirtschaftsrecht (u. a. Ertrag- und Verkehrs-steuern, (Inter-)Nationale Rechnungslegung, Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht)
  • Profilfächer (Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre, Internationales Steuerrecht, Consulting, Prüfungswesen)
  • BWL und VWL (u. a. Investition und Finanzierung, Kosten-rechnung, Mikro- und Makroökonomie sowie Finanzwissenschaft)
  • Grundlegende Schlüsselqualifikationen (u. a. Mathematik, Statistik, Präsentation und Rhetorik, wissenschaftliches Arbeiten)

Wahl der Profilfächer

Profilfächer Steuern und Prüfungswesen IV: Stefan Wacker

Profilfach Internationales Steuerrecht: Yara Dölker

Profilfach BStL: Maxemilian Kamp

Mehr Infos zum Profilfach "Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre“ downloaden.

Profilfach Consulting: Philipp Glatz

Mehr Infos zum Profilfach "Tax Consulting“ downloaden.

Profilfach Digitalisierung


12Weeks of Theory

14Weeks of Practice

3Years of Studies

210ECTS Points

Bachelor of Science

Contents of the study programme in brief

The study programme focuses on the area of taxation and auditing. The student is educated to take up a position as a qualified employee in tax consulting firms, and areas of economic science such as general business administration, economics and law are not neglected in this respect. Rhetoric and presentation seminars and simulations train methodological competence, leadership skills and the capacity for teamwork.

Curricula are compiled in coordination with tax consultant chambers in Baden-Wuerttemberg. The following major subjects can be chosen

  • Business Taxation
  • Consulting
  • International Tax Law
  • Auditing

Modern blended learning platforms are available in cooperation with DATEV and DWS Steuerberater Online DWS Steuerberater Online (an online resource for tax consulting).
With a staff of 13 professors, students can avail of a Competence Centre which is unique in Germany. We guarantee education of the highest quality.

This three-year study programme culminates in 210 ECTS points and the academic degree Bachelor of Arts.

Career following studies

A well-grounded education in tax law, accounting and trade, commerce and company law and in application-oriented business administration and information technologies relevant to practice qualifies graduates to take on responsible tasks in tax consulting and auditing firms.

A career in tax consulting and auditing firms with an international orientation or business consulting is possible, due to specialisation in the study programme.

Qualification as a tax consultant paves the way to self-employment and an interesting and extremely vibrant career with very attractive job market and income prospects.


For further information,
please feel free to contact us

Prof. Dr. Sabrina Kummer

Prof. Dr. Clemens Wangler

Prof. Dr. Paula Wellmann

"Simone End"

Simone End

"Heike Schmidt"

Heike Schmidt

"Petra Hauser"

Petra Hauser