Business School

Management in Industry (B.A.)

Management in Industry

Applicants for a dual study programme in business administration (industry) should have good credits/grades in German, mathematics, business administration and foreign languages. Ideal prerequisites are a high degree of motivation, endurance and resilience, a strong sense of commitment and flexibility.


Erfahrt in Kürze mehr über den Studiengang "BWL – Industrie":

Core content

  • Management der industriellen Kern- bereiche (Beschaffung & Sourcing, Produktion, Supply Chain Management & Logistik, Marketing & Sales)
  • 4 Wahlfächer (Controlling/Finanz- und Rechnungswesen, Perso- nalmanagement, Marke- ting- und Vertriebs- management, Material- und Produktions- wirtschaft)
  • Digitale und inter- nationale Handlungs- felder (u.a. Informations- management, Business English, Internationales Management, Prozess- management)
  • Grundlagenfächer (Mathematik, Statistik, Finanzbuchhaltung, Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung, Recht, Volks- wirtschaftslehre)


12Weeks of Theory

14Weeks of Practice

3Years of Studies

210ECTS Points

Bachelor of Arts

Contents of the study programme in brief

In addition to business principles, specific course content is also addressed in four advanced courses (specialisations):

  • Controlling/Finance and Accounting
    Sophisticated and differentiated knowledge is imparted, with the main focus on balance sheet analysis, consolidated financial statements, financial and investment management, value-driven management, financial control systems and different cost and performance accounting systems (e.g. direct costing, target costing, process cost accounting).
  • Marketing/Sales Management
    Approaches are communicated to explain customer behaviour, brand and advertising management, strategic and operative marketing planning, marketing of industrial goods, marketing controlling, market research methods, online marketing, CRM, sales management and sales controlling.
  • Materials Management/Production Management
    Purchasing, logistics and marketing require a sound knowledge of strategic and operative procurement planning, supplier and contract management, inventory management, production planning and control, e-logistics, quality management, supply chain management and logistics controlling.
  • Human Resource Management
    Human resource management primarily involves personnel planning, personnel development, personnel selection, labour law, human factors and ergonomics, remuneration models, international human resource management, staff management and social insurance law.

This three-year study programme culminates in 210 ECTS points and the academic degree Bachelor of Arts.

Career following studies

The career-integrated studies concept offers graduates a variety of opportunities in all commercial areas of an industrial enterprise. It usual marks the launch of a career in qualified positions, frequently in the areas of

  • Sales
  • Controlling
  • Purchasing
  • Accounting


For further information,
please feel free to contact us

Prof. Dr. Harry Giesler

Prof. Dr. Petra Stellmach

Prof. Dr. Lothar Wildmann

"Marianne Jani"

Marianne Jani

"Petra Schindelar"

Petra Schindelar