International Business
The International Business programme offers a broadly based study of business administration, as international competence is required in all operational functions, including procurement, production, finances, sales and marketing. The distinctive character of this study programme lies in the association of business administrative content with international issues and the cultural knowledge required in this context. Languages and a specialised knowledge of other countries are significant tools of the trade in this respect.
In addition to a high degree of resilience and analytical skills, our students should be capable of immersing themselves in the subject with the required level of curiosity and tolerance for international differences when considering business situations and a readiness to examine their own positions in perspective.
Erfahrt in Kürze mehr über den Studiengang "BWL – International Business": |
Core content
- Economics, Law
e.g. Accounting, Marketing, Management, Business Law - International Business
e.g. Marketing, Strategic Management, Production and Logistics - Intercultural Management
e.g. Cultural Intelligence, Leadership, Teamwork, Communication, Negotiations, Country Profiles - International Electives:
Marketing, Sales, Finance and Controlling, Production and Logistics
12Weeks of Theory
14Weeks of Practice
3Years of Studies
210ECTS Points
Bachelor of Arts
Contents of the study programme in brief
An international view of business management correlations is at the core of the International Business study programme.
In addition to a sound business administration education, our students acquired specialised knowledge of international business and insights into cultural backgrounds.
Students then choose between three business administration specialisations in their third academic year, and these are then analysed with regard to international considerations.
The distinctive profile of the study programme is highlighted in the subjects of International Business and Intercultural Management and the study of at least two foreign languages. In addition to business English, student chose one compulsory language (Spanish or French) and can also opt to study other languages in additional courses. Lectures are held in part in English.
International experience can be gained in a variety of ways. In addition to workplace training semesters spent abroad, students also have the opportunity to complete an academic term at one of our numerous partner universities. The integration of foreign students in our semester groups and the recruiting of lecturers with an international background are integral components of the study programme.
This three-year study programme culminates in the academic degree Bachelor of Arts.

Career following studies
Thanks to a broadly based education in business administration, graduates of the study programme hold positions in a variety of functions in the international environment. Whether in the context of cooperation with suppliers at home and abroad, the management of foreign subsidiaries through appropriate controlling structures or the marketing and sale of products and services, both domestically and overseas – international competence is in high demand everywhere. Graduates can look forward to challenging project management roles, qualified processing tasks and their first management functions.

Internationales Vollzeitstudium
Sie haben einen Schul- oder vielleicht sogar Hochschulabschluss im Ausland erworben und möchten nun gerne bei uns ein komplettes Studium bis zum Bachelorabschluss absolvieren. Im Vollzeitstudium bieten wir keine 100% englischsprachigen Studiengänge an. Wenn Sie also gute Deutschkenntnisse haben und Ihr Abschluss anerkannt wird, können Sie unter denselben Voraussetzungen bei uns studieren, wie deutsche Schüler auch.
Teaching staff

In addition to professors of the DHBW Villingen-Schwenningen, professors from other universities as well as specially qualified experts from companies and social institutions also provide content from their area of specialization to our students. This ensures that practice-relevant know-how will be taught.
For further information,
please feel free to contact us
Prof. Dr. Clive F. W. Flynn
- Department Management
Telefon +49 7720 3906 - 588
- Gebäude B, Raum 104

Anne Laqua
- Office and Study Organization
Telefon +49 7720 3906 - 415
- Gebäude B, Raum 206