Business School

Controlling & Consulting (B.A.)

Controlling & Consulting

The Controlling & Consulting study programme offers excellent career opportunities in all sectors, but makes a few significant demands on applicants. Distinctive analytical skills and high levels of communicative and social competences are expected. In addition, further prerequisites include above-average resilience and good conflict settlement skills. A high degree of mental flexibility, goal orientation and the required determination demonstrated during processing of continually new business administration problems are central criteria.


Erfahrt in Kürze mehr über den Studiengang "BWL – Controlling & Consulting":

Unsere Absolvent*innen

Core content

  • Controlling (u.a. Finanzmanagement, Budgetierung), Consulting (u.a. Businesspläne, Strategische Planung)
  • Accounting I-III (Handels-/Steuerrecht, nationales/internationales Recht, Einzel- und Konzernabschluss) Wirtschaftsenglisch I-VI
  • Allgemeine BWL, VWL (Mikro-/Makroökonomik), Recht (Bürgerliches Recht/Wirtschaftsrecht)
  • Mathematik und Statistik, Wissen- schaftliches Arbeiten, Sozialkompetenzen (Kommunikationskompetenz, Verkaufstechnik, Verhandlungsführung)


12Weeks of Theory

14Weeks of Practice

3Years of Studies

210ECTS Points

Bachelor of Arts



Contents of the study programme in brief

The study programme imparts a profound understanding of controlling and consulting. An emphasis is also placed on a broad business administration knowledge base in areas such as marketing, organisation, personnel or corporate management. In addition, tuition also addresses the principles of “auxiliary sciences” required in business administration, including law, economics, mathematics, statistics and information technology. Methodological, social and communicative competences are of major significance.  Courses dedicated to conflict management, project management, sales techniques, negotiation management and business English ensure that the necessary working skills can be applied in practice.

The communication of knowledge takes place in both classic lectures and through case studies, simulations and project assignments.

The emphasis in specialisation in the Controlling & Consulting study programme lies in the areas of

  • Classic Management Accounting and Controlling Instruments
  • Cost Analysis, Cost Management and Process Management
  • Strategy Development / Strategic Planning
  • Innovation and Technology Management
  • Risk Management
  • Value-oriented Corporate Management
  • KPI Management
  • Project and Multiproject Controlling
  • Balance Sheet Accounting and Balance Sheet Analysis, Accounting Policy
  • Int. Accounting pursuant to IAS / IFRS and US-GAAP
  • Consolidated Accounting
  • ERP Systems (SAP)
  • Investment Controlling
  • Functional Controlling

This three-year study programme culminates in the academic degree Bachelor of Arts

Career following studies

The study programme enables graduates to pursue a career as a controller in a variety of areas of industry, commerce, logistics, service providers, IT and insurance. It also opens up opportunities to join business consulting firms as junior consultants or in in-house consulting divisions. Moreover, obvious applications as an assistant to the executive board or as a project manager are also possibilities. A broad range of positions are, consequently, open to graduates.

For further information,
please feel free to contact us

Prof. Dr. Martin Plag

"Sabine Aichele"

Sabine Aichele