Business School

Business Information Systems (B.Sc.)

Business Information Systems

The successful deployment of computer-supported information systems is of decisive importance in all aspects of enterprise and administration. Employees who can combine a well-grounded knowledge of business administration and computer science expertise are in great demand


Erfahrt in Kürze mehr über den Studiengang "Wirtschaftsinformatik":

Kerninhalte des Studiums

  • Wirtschaftsinformatik (Systemanalyse, Pro-grammierung, Datenbanken und SQL, Geschäftsprozess-modellierung)
  • BWL
    (u.a. Neue Geschäfts-modelle, Geschäfts-prozesse, Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung, Investition und Finan-zierung, Marketing)
  • Neue Digitale Technologien (Internet der Dinge, Big Data, Algorithmen und Künstliche Intelligenz, Digitale Transformation)
  • Grundlegende Kompetenzen (u.a. Mathe, Statistik, Logik, Digital Thinking, Präsentation und Kommunikation, wissenschaftliches Arbeiten)


12Weeks of Theory

14Weeks of Practice

3Years of Studies

210ECTS Points

Bachelor of Science

Contents of the study programme in brief

Business information system specialists are the interface between innovative information system technologies and the business world.

The study programme imparts a sound knowledge of subordinate areas of business administration such as materials management, production/logistics, process management, organisation, marketing, accounting and controlling.

There is a focus on applied computer science with topics such as programming, system analysis, operating systems, database systems, computer networks, the internet and multimedia.

The following major subjects can be chosen

  • Process Engineering & Digital Management
  • Computer Science for Financial Services
  • Administrative Information Systems
  • IT Risk Management and Auditing

This three-year study programme culminates in 210 ECTS points and the academic degree Bachelor of Science.

Career following studies

Following completion of the course, graduates of the Business Information Systems study programme can pursue independent careers with responsibilities in the area of information processing or business management.

They are both creative process designers and process controllers at the interface between business and information technology. They design and realise infrastructures in information systems based on the latest technologies and apply these to operational issues.

For further information,
please feel free to contact us

Prof. Dr. Martin Kimmig

Prof. Dr. Martin Lachmair

Prof. Dr. Stefan Stoll

"Sabine Güntert"

Sabine Güntert

"Katharina Krieg"

Katharina Krieg

"Catherine Scherzinger"

Catherine Scherzinger