Social Work
in Health Care
Anybody wishing to become involved in the field of work addressed in the dual study programme needs to relate to patients of every age. Social work is always in demand in health carewhen it comes to coping with the personal, family, educational and occupational consequences of a severe or chronic illness. On the one hand, support of those concerned demands an exact knowledge of the legal options available and, on the other, nuanced competences in the area of counselling when it comes to addressing different living circumstances.
Mehr über den Studiengang "Soziale Arbeit im Gesundheitswesen": |
Core content
- Allgemeine Grundlagen Sozialer Arbeit (u.a. professionelles und methodisches Handeln, Handlungsfelder, Theorien, Geschichte)
- Bezugswissenschaft-
liche Grundlagen Sozialer Arbeit (Pädagogik, Psychologie, Soziologie, Gesundheitswissenschaften, Recht, Philosophie, Politik, Ökonomie)
- Grundlegende Kompetenzen (u.a. professionelle Haltung, Reflexionsfähigkeit, Arbeitsorganisation, Selbstorganisation, wissenschaftliches Arbeiten)
- Studiengangs-
spezifische Kenntnisse und Kompetenzen (u.a. Gesundheit/Krankheit, Gesundheitssystem, Alter, Altern, Altenhilfe-
system, Pflege, ethische Fallreflexion)
12Weeks of Theorie
14Weeks of Praxis
3Years of Studies
210ECTS Points
Bachelor of Arts
Contents of the study programme in brief
In addition to fundamental qualification in methodological, legal and social scientific disciplines, specialised studies address the specific tasks involved in this working area. In particular, the goal is to coordinate the services available in health care in individual cases and provide those concerned with the means of enjoying a worthwhile quality of life. Seminars and methodological exercises contribute to the development of a reflective professional attitude which enables the estimation and provision of the right level of specific assistance.
This three-year study programme culminates in 210 ECTS points and the academic degree Bachelor of Arts.
Career following studies
Graduates of the study programme can look forward to job prospects in social services which provide and identify assistance for people who are ill or threatened by illness, dependants and self-help groups to help them deal with illness and disability. These primarily involve statutory health insurance providers, acute care hospitals and rehabilitation clinics, outpatient and inpatient care of the elderly and the public health service.
Internationales Vollzeitstudium
Sie haben einen Schul- oder vielleicht sogar Hochschulabschluss im Ausland erworben und möchten nun gerne bei uns ein komplettes Studium bis zum Bachelorabschluss absolvieren. Im Vollzeitstudium bieten wir keine 100% englischsprachigen Studiengänge an. Wenn Sie also gute Deutschkenntnisse haben und Ihr Abschluss anerkannt wird, können Sie unter denselben Voraussetzungen bei uns studieren, wie deutsche Schüler auch.
Teaching staff
In addition to professors of the DHBW Villingen-Schwenningen, lecturers from other universities as well as specially qualified experts from companies and social institutions also provide content from their area of specialization to our students. This ensures that practice-relevant know-how will be taught.
For further information,
please feel free to contact us
Prof. Dr. Martina Wanner
- Department Management
Telefon +49 7720 3906 - 225
- Gebäude S28, Raum 1.1.11
Vanessa Vogt
- Office and Study Organization
Telefon +49 7720 3906 - 257
- Gebäude S26, Raum 117