


The Corporate State University Villingen-Schwenningen cares a lot about its alumni network. Our graduates are the best ambassadors as they can tell you about the amazing experience that they have at our university.

The strong connection our alumni have to our university is also shown in their extremely positive response towards our alumni meetings. Therefor we really care about intensifying our alumni activities.

Being part of the alumni network offers several benefits:

  • The opportunity to stay in touch with Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University
  • Keep in touch with fellow classmates
  • Reconnect with former classmates
  • Make new business or private contacts
  • Use forums for discussion, exchange and advice
  • Information about events
  • Edit your personal and professional information
  • Decide what information is visible on your profile
  • Always see which members online
  • View the profiles of other network members

Werden Sie Teil unseres Alumni Netzwerks


Mit jährlich mittlerweile über 8000 Absolvent*innen wächst das Netzwerk der DHBW Villingen-Schwenningen seit der Hochschulgründung stetig an. Eine gemeinsame Vergangenheit schafft Kontakte für die Zukunft. Alumni-Newsletter, Soziale Netzwerke und aktuelle Informationen auf der Homepage der DHBW Villingen-Schwenningen halten die Mitglieder unseres Netzwerks auf dem Laufenden. Alumni-Treffen, Alumni-Workshops und Hochschulveranstaltungen bieten hervorragende Möglichkeiten, in Verbindung zu bleiben.

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What it's like to work as a tax accountant: Claudia Himmelsbach, alumna of the Cooperative State University in Villingen-Schwenningen, provides insight into her everyday work life.

For further information, feel free to contact us